An official website of Washington State
Age 55+ and Senior Blind Individuals
Caregiver Support
- Guidance for Caregivers of Individuals Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired
- Caregiver Action Network - A non-profit organization providing education, peer support, and resources to family caregivers across the country free of charge.
- Area Agency on Aging (Seattle) - Aging and Disability Services (ADS) plans, coordinates, and advocates for a comprehensive service delivery system for older people, adults with disabilities, and family caregivers in Seattle and King County.
- Aging and Disabilities Caregiver Support Resources - Crisis support, kinship care, caregiving resources, caregiving coaching
- Community Living Connections (Statewide) - CLC helps individuals of all ages, disabilities and income levels, their caregivers, legal representatives and families get the right home and community-based supports and services.
- DSHS Aging and long-term supports administration
- DSHS Aging and long-term supports respite care
- Retirement Connection - Designed for Seniors, Caregivers & Providers to search more than 150+ topics of information and connect you with a quick and complete reference of providers and services.
Senior Individual Support
- Retirement Connection - Designed for Seniors, Caregivers & Providers to search more than 150+ topics of information and connect you with a quick and complete reference of providers and services.
- DSHS Aging and long-term supports administration
- APH VisionAware - A starting point for resources, articles, training, and equipment information.